STAR is a web interface that uses your device's motion sensors to align your phone (and antenna) with a specified satellite. It was designed and developed for both beginners and advanced users - employing a similar design language to Apple's satellite SOS
Getting started.
To start, you'll have to input the NORAD ID for the satellite you want to track. You can lookup the ID by the name of the satellite here:
You'll then be prompted to share your device's motion data. This is needed to align the antenna/device with the satellite. After clicking yes, you should now see a screen similar to below:
That's it! Hold your device on the same plane as your antenna to align it with the satellite. I personally use a handheld yagi and a iPhone MagSafe magnet clamp that allows me to get precise results without having to hold both the antenna and phone.
Can I use this on a computer?
Unfortunately not. You need motion sensors which computers don't share as web APIs.
I have an issue/bug to report
Sorry about that, STAR is still a work in progress. Please let me know using the email below!
Contact me.
Made by Conor Ebeling. You can reach me at